Rock Oil in Northern Ireland
(Motorcycling at its best)

Many 4 stroke motorcycles have shared engine and gearbox oil supply which necessitates the need for a lubricant to performaspecific role in lubricating the engine, whilst also ensuring precise clutch engagement with no slippage. There are manymisconceptions regarding the suitability of products and which oils are able to perform effectively under these conditions. To say ‘a synthetic oil will cause clutch slip’ is simply incorrect and a proper synthetic motorcycle engine oil is the best possible product for most applications. Where the confusion has arisen in many cases is the use of incorrectly specified oils such as automotive lubricants being used in motorcycle applications. All motorcyclists need to specify a motorcycle lubricant for their pride and joy, to not only ensure the bike runs smoothly without clutch issues, but also to ensure full power release. There is a specific motorcycle specification that ensures that a lubricant will perform effectively under all conditions and that is the JASO specification. In the case of 4 stroke engines please seek out JASO MA or MA2 to ensure clutch compatibility. JASO MA2 offers the highest performance levels of the JASO MA specification whilst also allowing catalyst compatibility for the very latest models which incorporate emission reduction equipment. All appropriate Rock products meet or exceed the specifications set out by JASO and in the case of the 4 stroke engine oils many also meet the very latest JASO MA2 specification
Synthetic Oil
Semi-Synthetic Oil
Mineral & Classic Oils
And then there’s two-stroke engines: It’s fairly basic quality because it gets burnt but it’s designed to have low smoke emissions and limited combustion chamber deposits. It definitely isn’t the same as oil used in a four-stroke engine.
Also oils for wet clutches are specific to avoid the potential for clutch slip. The Japan Lubricating Oil Society (JASO) provides specifications for petrol engine oils which are particularly relevant to motorcycles and other small engines. There are specific standards for two-stroke engines, for example JASO FC or FD, and for four-stroke engines (JASO MA and MA2), such as those used in motorcycles which have a clutch and gearbox that are also lubricated by the engine oil.
Harley Davidson Product Rock Oil Product
99816-60 HD Engine Oil TRM 20W-60
99851-05 Formula +Classic 50 / Synthesis 4 Racing (15W-50)
99824-03 Screamin Eagle Syn 3 Synthesis 4 Racing (15W-50)
99887-84 Primary Lube Synthesis 4 Racing (15W-50)
99892-84 Transmission Lube Gearaxl 75W-140
99896-88 Sport-Trans Fluid Synthesis 4 Racing (15W-50)
99880-73 Type B Fork oil SVI 10 Suspension Fluid
99884-80 Type E Fork oil SVI 10 Suspension Fluid
DOT 5 Silicone Brake Fluid No alternative
DOT 4 Brake Fluid (2009-) DOT 4 Brake Fluid
Please note:
In all scenarios it is acceptable for SAE 15W-50 to be used where SAE 20W-50 is specified.
(Important in this case as Synthesis 4 Racing has been listed as an alternative to 99824-03 which is of SAE 20W-50 viscosity)
A range of championship winning, 100% synthetic, complex ester motorcycle engine lubricants.
The Rock Oil Synthesis brand has been around for over 20 years and has become synonymous within the road racing fraternity for supreme performance. Due to our commitment to continuous Research & Development
the Rock Oil Synthesis series of products are as advanced as ever
Synthetic oil is a lubricant consisting of Chemical Compounds that are artificially made (synthesized). Synthetic lubricants can be manufactured using chemically modified petroleum components rather than whole crude oil, but can also be synthesized from other raw materials .
Semi-synthetic oils (also called 'synthetic blends') are blends of mineral oil with no more than 30% synthetic oil designed to have many of the benefits of synthetic oil without matching the cost of pure synthetic oil.The first semi-synthetic motor oil was introduced in 1966.
Mineral oils are also more suitable for older motorcycles because they are heavier or thicker and don’t leak. Owners who change to synthetic oils in older motorcycles often find they leak more.
But be aware that older bikes specify the type of oil that was available at the time they were built and those oils may not be available anymore. However current generation oils will be far better than what was originally specified for older applications.
Will an older bike benefit from an expensive synthetic oil as opposed to a current generation mineral oil? Probably not, as older engines (unless modified) are unlikely to be that highly stressed that they would benefit from a synthetic.
Will it do any harm? Providing viscosity ratings are appropriate – probably not, except to your wallet!
Advanced additive, high detergent formulation ensures maximum engine component protection and superior resistance to deposits and corrosion, resulting in extended engine life and optimum performanceunder the most arduous of conditionsRapid cold start circulation, providing maximum protection during initial start up. Passes crucial clutch friction test required to meet the
JASO MA/MA2 specifications, allowing safe, predictable use in wet clutch applications. Reduced phosphorous level to ensure excellent compatibility with catalysts now fitted to the latest
Vegetable oils like castor oil are typically unattractive alternatives to petroleum-derived lubricants because of their poor oxidative stability.[28][29] Castor oil has better low temperature viscosity properties and high temperature lubrication than most vegetable oils, making it useful as a lubricant in jet, diesel, and racing engines.[30] The viscosity of castor oil at 10 °C is 2,420 centipoise.[31] However, castor oil tends to form gums in a short time, and therefore its usefulness is limited to engines that are regularly rebuilt, such as racing engines. The lubricants company Castrol took its name from castor oil.
Castor oil has been suggested as a lubricant for bicycle pumps because it does not degrade natural rubber seals.[3
Castor Oil/ Racing
Trouble locating Harley Davidson Oil..
Try the Rock Alternative.

For your information
What’s the difference between bike
oil and a good car oil?
This is our most-answered question
regarding motorcycle oils. There are
a number of key differences between car
oils and motorcycle oils, relating to how
motorcycles are designed, and how they
are used. Today in Western Europe, the US
and large parts of Asia, car oils are much
lower in viscosity (SAE 0W-20, 0W-30,
5W-30) and usually contain friction
reducing additives (such as PTFE, MoS2,
Graphite, Nano materials etc). After wear
protection, the key aim of these oils is to
improve headline fuel economy figures
used as a selling tool by major car
manufacturers. In the US there is also
something called CAFE (Corporate
Average Fuel Economy), whereby car
makers are fined/taxed for exceeding an
average fuel economy across their entire
range of vehicles. (Hence the introduction
of Hybrids, to offset the Gas Guzzlers…)
The problem with using such a low
viscosity, friction modified oil in a
motorcycle is that unlike a car, most
motorcycles have a combined crankcase,
gearbox and oil immersed (wet) clutch.
These car oils lead to clutch slip in such
engines. Another less documented but key
difference from cars is that motorcycles
tend to be used seasonally, and with that
place a separate set of demands on the
oil. Good quality motorcycle oils contain
far more robust and exotic anti-corrosion
chemistries to protect engine internals
during extended periods of storage. There
can be no doubt that a properly
formulated, motorcycle specific oil is the
best solution for a motorcycle engine.

An image of Rock Oil 15w/50 Extra Power Synthetic Oil.
Used by many competitors as their Oil of choice for intense competition.
Available in 10w/40 and 10w/60.

The World Famous Guardian brand of Rock Oil's Semi-Synthetic MA2 Motorcycle Oil.
Ideal for Track and Road this lubricant is available in 10w/30, 10w/40 10w/50 and under the Sigma label.
A robust and versatile oil consult your local agent for more information.